Tras declaraciones de la canciller Patricia Rodas hoy por la mañana en Bolivia de que el presidente constitucional Manuel Zelaya estaba por arrivar a Honduras, se desató el caos en el departamento de Olancho de donde es originario Zelaya, fuerzas militares y la policia acudieron a la vivienda de Zelaya y acordonaron las propiedades de presidente constitucional Manues Zelaya Rosales.
También sobrevolaron aviones tucano de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras, provocando un estado de tenció por parte de los pobladores de Olancho. Se encuentran militares alrededor de las propiedades de Zelaya, a caso los militares y la policia estarian dispuestos a intervenir de inmediato a la captura de Mel Zelaya a su arrivo a Honduras?
Todo esto sucedió luego de las declaraciones de la canciller.
After declarations of the Chancellor Patricia Rodeas this morning in Bolivia that the constitutional President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras was to arrive, it sparked chaos in the department of Olancho which is the birthplace of Zelaya, military and police went to Zelaya's house and cordoned off all his the properties.
Also overflew Tucano aircraft of the Armed Forces of Honduras, causing a state of alert by the people of Olancho. Military are surrounding the properties of Zelaya, in case the military and the police were prepared to intervene immediately to catch Mel Zelaya to his arrival to Honduras?
All this happened after the declarations by the chancellor.
Also overflew Tucano aircraft of the Armed Forces of Honduras, causing a state of alert by the people of Olancho. Military are surrounding the properties of Zelaya, in case the military and the police were prepared to intervene immediately to catch Mel Zelaya to his arrival to Honduras?
All this happened after the declarations by the chancellor.
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